Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Emmalee Joy Wenerstrom
Emmalee Joy Wenerstrom was born today June 23, 2009(on her due date) at 1:29 p.m. after 10.5 hours of labor. She weighed 8 lbs 5 oz and is 21" long. She has a full head of dark brown hair (with some blond streaks). I went into labor around 3 am this morning and my surges were about a minute long and 3-5 minutes apart. At 4:30 we decided to go to the hospital, by the time we got there my surges were almost constant. I had an epidural at about 7 am, which was wonderful! by 11 am I was fully dialated and I started pushing around 12:30. We were surpried to see her dark hair and brown eye, but she is the most precious baby I've ever seen! She has chubby cheeks and is a pretty calm little baby. She loves Joel's voice now just like she did in the womb. If she's crying we just have to let Joel talk to her or hold her and she calms down.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Phone blues
If anyone has tried calling me (Arielle) lately, and I haven't answered, it is because I currently don't have a phone. Tuesday morning Joel missed work partly because he was sick, but also because his alarm on his phone didn't go off, because his phone was dead! Not dead as in it wasn't charged and it died dead, but dead as in it just decided to stop working dead. It had charge but refused to turn on or recognize the charger when plugged in. So we decided to give Joel my phone since I'm always around a phone at work and my mom is staying with us and has her phone so I will never be far from a phone, but Joel travels up to Sandy every day so we thought it would be a good thing for him to have a phone. So he took my sim card out and put his in and "my phone" has been turned off since Tuesday. So don't be offended if I don't answer my phone or call you back. You could always call Joel's number after 7 pm.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
She'll be coming soon
I had another OB appointment yesterday, and I was really dreading it. The last couple of weeks it seems like nothing is really happening. I'm huge and getting a bit tired of being pregnant. And tired in general. Don't get me wrong, I totally wanted this, it's just that my attention span really isn't this long and I figured it would be over by now. My sisters both had their babies early and I thought I would follow suit and baby would be here at latest by 38 weeks. I am now just 5 days away from my due date and no baby. So, I settled in for going over, after all it really does seem as if nothing is happening. My "practice surges", or braxton hicks,have completely stopped. Like non-existent. That was actually kind of stressing me out because every appointment for the last four weeks my doctor has been asking "are you having contractions that are coming more frequently? are they harder" and I feel like there's some sort of end-of-pregnancy test that I'm failing, because I have to think really hard then say "well, I think I had one a couple days ago, but I'm not really sure, and nothing uncomfortable". So, I was dreading this appointment. I told Joel I would probably leave crying because he would say the same thing he's said for the last four weeks, "nothing really happening, see you next week". And my appointments fall on Wednesday, so next week would be a day after my due date. I really don't want to still be pregnant on my birthday (next Thursday)! But this time my regular doctor was out of town (he'd in Ireland until Saturday night), and the other doctor checked me and told me that he wouldn't say nothing is happening, I'm 80% effaced, which means my cervix is basically gone. I'm not dialated at all, which was a bit sad, but at least something is different! Maybe it won't be an eternity! He also took pity on me being sick and gave me drugs to clear up my cough and congestion. Yay! So pregnancy is hopefully coming to an end soon. He told me if he doesn't see me this weekend I'll see my normal doctor on Monday. Which is at least better than Wednesday.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
New Camera
Joel and I decided that for our anniversary this year we would buy a nice camera. But, we wanted to buy it early even though our anniversary isn't until July 28, so that we could have it for when the baby comes. So we started researching cameras in January, and decided that we really liked the features of the Sony DSC-H50. So, we started saving money and almost 2 weeks ago had saved up enough money for our price range for a new camera, and we re-researched. Well, I had been looking and found the Sony DSC-H20 and thought it was the same one we originally wanted so we decided on that one, and purchased it from Dell, because I get an employee discount. About 2 hours after we purchased it I realized it was the wrong camera and that we really wanted the H50. So after some talking we decided to try to cancel that order, and we did--though we still haven't received our refund. Then we looked everywhere for the H50 and found a site that had it fairly cheap (oh, we buy just about everything on the internet), so we decided to buy it. At the confirmation screen a message pops up that says something like "though your order is final the price may not be, depending on location insurance may be added on later". What?! Then they send us an e-mail saying they need further verification to complete our order. Joel calls them, and it turns out the camera we were trying to buy didn't come with a battery (about an extra $60-$80) and the insurance would be an extra $26. So we decided maybe we should try to find a cheaper site. In my research we found out that the DSC H50 was discontinued. Well, we didn't really want to buy a discontinued camera, so we thought maybe we'd go with our second choice, a Nikon Coolpix L100. While I was looking for a good deal on that I found a higher model Nikon (Nikon Coolpix P90) on sale for not very much more. So we finally bought it from Best Buy and picked it up at the store. Yay! So this is our new camera:

We have only used it a few times to play around with it, but I'll try to post pictures soon. So far the ones we've taken have turned out pretty well.

We have only used it a few times to play around with it, but I'll try to post pictures soon. So far the ones we've taken have turned out pretty well.
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