Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Joel's 23!

Joel had a birthday Septermber 14. Unfortunately I work every Sunday, so I couldn't be there on Sunday to celebrate his actual birthday with him. So to make up (in advance) for my absence I did a "birthday week" for him and celebrated his birthday every day for him! So Monday I made a nice dinner for him of rice, chicken with a lemon-chive sauce, and corn. It was very beautiful on the plate, but unfortunately was perhaps the worst meal I have ever prepared. I didn't make fancy dinners for the rest of the week but I did give him little presents every day with sappy little notes. On Saturday (the day before his birthday) we went up to South Jordan and had a little party with his parents and grand-parents and some of our siblings and friends. It was fun, but enough things had gone wrong during the week (like the dinner) that I was happy that the week was over and that birthdays only come around once a year.


Leslie@leserleeslovesandhobbies said...

So sad. I'm also not a fan of birthdays, but I do try to do fun things, at least for Abigail. Carl also isn't a fan of birthdays, so I don't really worry about doing amazing things for him. In fact, for his first birthday as a married couple we put in a sprinkler system in our yard in the rain. Talk about fun! Yeah right. Anyways, I hope Joel had a good birthday week besides the dinner mishap.

Kari and Steve said...

I love birthdays, but sometimes I screw them up too. This year I didn't even get Steve a birthday card, what kind of wife doesn't give her husband a card for his birthday!!! But I did throw a fun party and buy some kick-a pirate balloons.