Yet again it has been quite a while. Joel and I are currently living with a second cousin in South Jordan. Emmalee is almost two! She is getting so big! She talks like crazy and in my opinion she is the cutest toddle ever.
And she totally knows she's cute.
For Thanksgiving we went to Reno to visit Kari, Steve, and Simon. It was so much fun! I miss you Kari!! Emmalee loved Simon, even if he did try holding her hand. Even now she occasionally asks to see "Sii" which is how she says Simon.

My little chunk. She's not really very chunky, but boy are those cheeks great!

She really loved the stairs.

For some reason my camera didn't really like taking pictures inside their house, but Emmalee is giving Simon a kiss on the cheek and he is hugging her. When Simon would sit on the step she would go over and sit next to him. It was really cute.
Moving backwards, Emmalee was Apple Dumpling (from Strawberry Shortcake) for Halloween. My mom made the costume and sent it out in time for her to wear it for our halloween parties. She especially loved the hat. She doesn't normally like hats, but there was just something aout that floppy yellow hat with the flower on top that stole her heart.
Here is a picture that I took of out little family about a month ago. It's not very flattering for any of us, but I was trying to figure out how to use the tripod.
And this final picture is especially for my sister Katie, mostly because I think Emmalee looks a lot like Naomi in this picture. She is learning how to rock out to head phones from Daddy.
Ignore the very messy room in the background. It really is much cleaner now. This was during last semester when I was pretty much only home to sleep at night. And Emmalee was learning how to reap disaster.
I just uploaded (downloaded?) about 300 pictures from my camera to my computer so after I sort through them I'll add more.